How to activate Roku using Roku Activation code? |

What is the Roku Activation code ? I f you don't know what the Roku activation code is, then here are the reason why you should get the code. R oku activation code is one that is mandatory to activate the Roku device. T o get the code, you need to complete the initial steps on the Roku device. O nly after this, you can get the code on the Roku device. F or the activation, you can surf to the Roku activation page and enter the code on the site to activate the device. A fter the device activation to launch the channels on the Roku device, you need to sign in the Roku account to the Roku device. How do I create my Roku TV Account? A fter the device activation to launch the channels on the Roku device, you can process these only via the Roku tv account . H ere are the steps to create the Roku account. l Y ou can use either the computer or the mobile device l E stablish the network to the mobile device or the computer l S urf to the Roku tv account ...